Friday, November 10, 2006

busy busy hols..

mi back to blog again =) now hols so might haf more time to blog more often. well e past wk has been busy for mi. had invigilation plus lotsa other stuff. anyway, 1st i wanna thank all those who tagged mi telling mi abt their comments n all. really appreciate wat u all haf done =) i hope i will cont to do better n not let u all b disappointed w mi..

ok, let's see. mon was super busy for mi cuz i had invigilation in e morning. then when i reached home, my bf asked mi to rush down to hdb to queue for e walk-in selection flats tt they juz released since he working n can't get away. so no choice, took bus then train down. on train, abt to reach stop, got one old lady dunno y start spitting at mi n scolding mi. e whole trip she was ok n we were standing at opp ends near e door n i was listening to my mp3 n reading book. dunno wat i did to offend her oso. but i juz got down once e door open la. then went to queue for e application form. told tt i had to hand in e form by 5pm tt day if not e queue no. i got will b invalid. n i had to get my bf's signature. so rush cab to his office n then back to hdb. then rush down to my form class's gathering at sembawang park. reached there quite late but my students were not unhappy or anything. i'm glad i managed to make it cuz i enjoyed myself there playing w e students =) then after tt had dinner w them at sun plaza food court b4 gg home (but after i bought earrings ^.^)

then come tues, supposed to haf invigilation, but asked to change since i promised my students from 2e4 to help them check in their chalet. reached at ard 3 then checked in for them n then waited. e chalet is super big n nice. wish i had booked for myself. haha. anyway my students were late n i had appt w my fren already, so started walking out w my bf. then they reached le so decided to meet halfway along e route to pass them e keys n all. tt nite supposed to go for their bbq but couldn't make it. really sry abt it but hope u all enjoyed urselves during ur chalet =)

wed invigilation again then nth much happen. lol.. thurs oso nth much except tidy my things n finish watching e anime tt my fren lent mi so i could return her ltr today. then tis morn went back sch to discuss maths stuff w 2 other teachers. still quite ok cuz din take too long =) supposed to haf invigilation at 2.30pm but my cpe changed mine to next fri. so heng..

well tt's abt my whole wk's activities. quite boring actually except for e start of e wk. ahhaah.. ok gg to play a bit le then go out meet my fren. till next time =) n enjoy ur hols =)

Sunday, October 29, 2006

personal comments..

e hols r here already.. well, nth much to do today so decided to come online n read comments n update.. was quite shocked at e comment i c on my tag board... well, i dun c y i can't post my own feelings on my own blog. not as if i go n frame anybody... if i dun bother abt my students i wouldn't even b concerned abt how well they do for their exams. when i comment abt their work n how they've done n wat i've done, it doesn't mean tt i dun appreaciate them. i dun c where in my posts u get e idea.. if u're one of my students, then i'm sry if i ever gave u tt feeling tt i dun appreaciate u. maybe i couldn't teach u as well as u would haf wanted mi to or as well as other teachers... regarding track, i nvr said tt i hate tt cca or anything. it's juz not e sport for mi.. i juz prefer to b in a cca which i haf more interest in.

well... sry if i'm ranting... those who r not happy w mi, tell it straight to mi n i'll try to change. sry if i offend anybody...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

hols coming =)

hi all, mi back again =) haha, been v lazy to update lately. oso dunno wat to write abt, tt's y.. well 2 more days till e hols come for e students. hope they enjoy their time.. i still got invigilation to do, but still ok la. at least can rest a while w/o teaching... been busy these days oso.. planning for tis n tt..

hmmm, abt e past mth, not much to say la. students had their final yr exams... my classes din do tt well... dunno if it's cuz i din teach well or not. felt quite upset n demoralised when i first got to know their results.. but wat can i do? i can't possibly add marks for them juz to pull up their results.. hopefully i'll do a better job next yr.. wonder how my students feel abt my teaching oso. haiz..

well, really can't think of anything to write. think i'll juz stop here. i'll update when there r new things happening. till then...

Friday, September 15, 2006

Term 4...

hi all.. finally back again to update... haha had to if not my students will keep asking when i'll b doing tt =) anyway e first wk has juz passed... haiz, tiring plus my 2t r not appreciative of wat i'm trying to do.. well shan't tok abt tt, if not my day will b spoiled...

first n foremost, i wanna thank all my students who haf made my teacher's day a special one =) n tks to those who gave mi presents. i like all of them a lot. n to kerry n bernadette, were those cookies made by u 2? they're v nice =) can't possibly thank all of u here so pls forgive mi ^.^

e 1 wk hols was busy busy busy... first 2 days had to go back sch for n lvl invigilation.. then had to finish setting papers n prepare notes, finish marking hw etc.. in the blink of an eye, e hols had ended... haiz.. wish i had more time to rest.. term 4 is a time when everything is a rush.. haf to try n finish e syllabus n make sure tt e students r not blur abt wat i'm teaching... hopefully they can follow e lessons.. plus e sec 2s, it's an impt yr for them... so u all muz work hard k? make mi proud of ur results =)

e happy thing is tt i managed to meet up w my jc n uni fren after a long time whereby we were too busy to keep in contact. shd make e effort to ask her out more often. oso managed to squeeze in time to go ktv-ing. i juz love singing (although how nice my voice sounds is another matter.. lol) ltr i gg to book another ktv session w my bf, his bro n his bro's fren.. hee.. then i always hog e mike w his bro. hahah, tt was so fun..

ok i shd go do my things le. brought tons of marking home again. till e next time... cya guys =)

p.s.: i update le, u all muz oso do my hw ok? =P

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Looking forward to Sept hols...

Hi all again... finally here to update le.. haha, sry n tks to those who still bother to come to my blog once in a while. i promise to try n update more often =)

been a hectic 8 wks in sch... almost everyday i'm staying back for tis duty or tt... quite sick n tired of it already. but i'm only 8 wks into my 3 yr bond.. wonder how i'm gonna survive it.. haiz.. mentally n physically drained already... add to e fact tt i'm not a scholar or wat, haiz... shan't elaborate on tis la...

there's nvr ending things to b done in sch... plus everyday is like trying to rush finish e syllabus... no time n my students dun seem to und.. they still play ard n joke n dun wan hand in hw... haiz, they jus think i like chasing for their hw so much.. actually if they dun hand in i happier... cuz i dun haf tt many pieces of work to mark.. ultimately they're e ones who suffer cuz they wun know their work.. but then, tt'll b irresponsible of mi le.. i really wish to b able to teach them well n c them improve, but if they dun wan to help themselves, i oso dunno wat to do.. sometimes i feel so depressed seeing them like tt, not wanting to help themselves... i shd learn to take things easier...

then now they put mi in track.. it's a nice cca n all, but i think it's juz not for mi... i'm not a track person, n i dunno how to train them.. but i'm expected to train them all e same... everyday they haf training, n i haf to b down at least 2 days... it's tiring, n all my marking goes undone.. at least being an aoe for oral exams, i still get to mark my things n all... tt day brought my marking down to e gym while waiting for e students to come back from their run.. then when they came back i juz cont marking n got told off by e track teacher in charge.. say i shdn't mark in front of e students cuz it's not nice... shd train them instead... i'm wondering, izzit really tt bad to mark in front of the students?? wat's wrong w tt? maybe someone can enlighten mi since i'm still new to all these...

ok enough abt sch... my own personal life? actually there's not much oso... any free time tt i haf, most of it goes to spending it w my bf... i try to finish all my work in sch... even if i dun finish, i seldom bring home cuz oso wun touch it since i'll b w my bf.. things r ok between us, juz tt sometimes i feel as if watever i do is not gd enough... whether at work, home or w my bf... i dunno wat i need to do in order to let ppl feel tt i'm doing gd enough for them already... all these makes mi tired... sometimes i juz dun wanna bother abt anything anymore...

ok i'll stop here.. maybe i'll feel better e next time i blog... till then, take care...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

here i m again to update ^.^ rare tt i update so quickly... haha.. well although it's been quite sometime since my trip to Taman Negara, but here is the pic of mi together w my grp of students =) nice rite? haha, i'm e one in white , n e one w e hat n shades is one of e guides there ^.^ recalling back, it was an unforgetable experience for mi (hopefully for my students oso).. gonna miss them so much after i leave my pract sch, which is tml... haiz... although teaching is not easy, but there is tis sense of satisfaction when u feel tt u've managed to touched their lives in one way or another...

hopefully i'll b posted back to my pract sch for my formal teaching... but all tis lies in the moe's decision... i can only wait... really gonna miss all my students over there... hopefully, my teaching has enabled them to learn and gain something out of the whole experience...

even though they most prob wun b reading tis, juz wanna wish all my students e best in their on-going midyr exams... n oso all e best in watever they do...


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Pract coming to an end...

Been soooooo long since i last updated le... always like tt.. ever since i came back from Taman Negara, then nvr update already.. busy + lazy + more lazy.... lol... always do things like tt... haiz...

Juz took a simple test tt my fren juan sent mi... my true colour = my fav colour ^.^ hee..

Well i'm tired today oso... will try updating again... juz came to post up my results =)

Take this test at Tickle

Your true color is Blue!
You're blue — the most soothing shade of the spectrum. The color of a clear summer sky or a deep, reflective ocean, blue has traditionally symbolized trust, solitude, and loyalty. Most likely a thoughtful person who values spending some time on your own, you'd rather connect deeply with a few people than have a bunch of slight acquaintances. Luckily, making close friends isn't that hard, since people are naturally attracted to you — they're soothed by your calming presence. Cool and collected, you rarely overreact. Instead, you think things through before coming to a decision. That level-headed, thoughtful approach to life is patently blue — and patently you!

What's Your True Color?

Brought to you by Tickle

Sunday, March 12, 2006

March Holidays..

Hi all, been quite sometime since i updated le. juz too tired everyday to come online due to the amount of lesson plans and worksheet i haf to plan n set... i'm practically drowning in my work... din even haf e time to enjoy any game oso. haiz, such a sad life... n tml is e start of e March hols... thinking perhaps i could take a break? nah... mi will b in teman negarra (pahang) from tml till fri. no rest at all n no time to do plan my lessons for sch reopen. dunno how i'm gonna die when i come back from my trip.. even though i'm looking forward to it cuz it'll be a gd exp, but... there's juz no time to do my work.. e sch planned it at a bad timing..

n guess wat? my nie supervisor wanted to come haf his 1st observation tis coming thurs initially, w/o knowing it's e hols... is he blur or is he wat? anyway, then he changed it to mon, 1st day of sch reopen.. think i'll die cuz no time to prepare my students. i juz hope they will b well behaved n responsive during my observation, if not i think i can kiss my job bb...

well, dun think i'll haf time to update anymore today.. need to rush as much of my work as possible so i wun haf to do so much when i return from m'sia. will update abt my trip upon my return. in e meantime all pls take care n enjoy e hols (if u haf ^.^).. took a test somewhere n here r my results... hope e link works...

Take this test at Tickle

You're a Chihuahua!

What Breed of Dog Are You?

Brought to you by Tickle

the description =)


No bones about it, you're an energetic, devoted Chihuahua. For your breed, size definitely doesn't matter. After all, sometimes the best things (diamonds, car keys, Godiva truffles) come in small packages. Honest and straightforward, you're never afraid to speak up for what you believe in, especially if it's a cause near and dear to your heart. Having such a passionate personality can come with a few drawbacks, though. You can be moody at times, and people often find it hard to live up to your high standards. But once you make a friend, it's for life. Saucy and intense, your energy and unfailing loyalty make you a great companion. Woof!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Lesson Plans...

last day of feb.. time really seems to fly... i've finally finished my 1st lesson plan... quite nervous abt my teaching tis thurs... really hope wat i planned for e students work out ok n tt they dun find my lesson to boring >.< spent so much time doing e slides n worksheet... haiz... stress... n dunno how many more LPs i need to do for e rest of my pract...

looking forward to e mar hols... then i'll b in teman negara (m'sia) w my sch =) hee... even though wun get to rest much during e hols since e trip will b from mon to fri.. but still it'll b a v gd exp ^.^ will update my trip when i return then =)

well, now i can afford a bit of rest time to catch up on my game.. haiz, been so many days since i really play anything already.. dunno y i still seem so tired everyday... so no energy to play much oso..

ok i wanna go cont looking at e lessons i might b teaching in future le... tata


Thursday, February 23, 2006

1st wk of Pract...

whew.. finally feel ok enough to cont blogging... tis whole wk has been quite slack in AI as common tests are gg on... but dunno y, i reach home from sch shacked out every single day... juz slp thru to dinner time... wonder y... even when i try to do work, i'll juz doze off in front of e comp... hope it wun b worse after i haf to start teaching, which is next thurs... 1st topic: variations... haf to start my lesson plans already... haiz, i simply hate writing them.. time consuming...

feeling quite down these 2 days... well, things happen n tt's tt. i muz learn to b stronger so i can live happier... tt's my aim for now... as well as getting thru my pract alive n in 1 piece...

till next time...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Busy busy..

been a busy 2 days... n i reckon tml will b another busy day, at e ktv of cuz =) looking forward to tt since it's been a long time since i went singing... lol...

anyway, yest was maths class bbq.. super tiring... heng my bf was there to help mi w e bbq n all tt, if not i think i'll die n all e food will get burnt... hahaa, i'm tt bad... initially threatened to rain but guess heaven is on our side =) e weather turned out fine after all ^.^ pity not everyone could make it...

today went out shopping.. bought JJ new album n listening to it now.. so nice =) hee... n bought some new clothes for work (excuses as usual... lol) and basically juz walk around bugis n then suntec... then went home on bus.. din haf a pleasant trip cuz something bad happened... but nm, it's over so i shan't tok abt it oso... reached home then mum say go grandma's house... turn out grandma quite sick but still not sure wat illness she has... hope she gets well soon >.<

finally, for those who r wondering y my blog is tis name... e reason is above... enjoy =)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Dead Tired

it's 3+am in e morning, n i finally finished my youth at risk essay. i feel so tired, n tml is gonna b another tiring day. haiz... now i'm left with cpa assingments to b done... wonder y assignments always seem to b nvr ending... i desperately need a break...

mum n sis seems to b better already although my sis eye seems more swollen. brought her to c chinese doc today n turned out her elbow ligament is injured. now her elbow is bandaged oso. my mum insists on not letting e chinese doc examine her. hope she really is feeling better as she claims to be... haiz..

well i'm gg to b brain dead soon, so i'll stop for today.. nitez n sweet dreams guys. n tks to all those who haf shown concern towards my family. appreciate it =)


Tuesday, February 14, 2006


it's Valentine's day today, but doesn't seem so at all to mi... was looking forward to a romantic day (as usual.. lol) but was woken up in e morning by a phone call... was a bit disoriented as i juz woke up to hear my mum on the phone. however, one word is enough to jot mi out of my sleepy spell... my parents n sis had an accident... n it's a serious one... one thing i'm glad is tt none of them are really seriously injured... my sis's eye is swollen n blue black and her arm oso due to e impact... my mum suffered more, w abrasions on her arm and her leg n feet were all swollen n blue black... when i mean swollen it's really big... thank goodness my dad escaped unharmed as he was sitting in e rear seat. happened when my mum was driving my sis to sch tis morn... when making a right turn, a car (opp direction) juz came speeding thru (against e lights somemore) n juz hit our car... e impact was... let's juz say it's not easy to make a 2000cc, 7 seater car skid n crash into another car... needless to say, e whole car is a mess now... n e guy who hit my mum even had e cheek to come down of e car n scold my mum for gg against e lights!! such an idiot... but i shan't say too much abt him, considering e fact tt his wife is now lying unconscious in ICU... there's speclation tt she might die... really hope tt she'll b ok n wake up soon... (pray pray pray) n my mum n sis... really worried abt them... yest had e bad news from my bf's side... now my side... seems like things r happening all at once... juz doesn't seem like a gd day for any celebration...

we juz met in e morning for breakfast at long john's silver... then walked around town for a few hrs... finally completed my Dark Tower collection!! although i din managed to get e hard cover of book 7, but i'm still happy i finally got all e books.. i shd start to cont reading from where i stopped... anyway, we went to his house in e late afternoon to c how his family r.. then my bf bought dinner for them b4 driving mi home to c my family... only then tt i got to c e bruises on my mum... busy day for them at e police station giving statements n all... only abt to go TTSH when i reached home... hopefully theirs is only external injuries >.<

as such, a romantic dinner is out of e qn oso... mi, my bf n my bro juz bought dinner at e small coffee shop outside our house and ate at home while my dad brought my mum n sis to e hospital... till now they're still not back... wonder when they'll return home...

Iron: although i'm disappointed at e way things turn out today, i'm still grateful for ur thoughtfulness n all.. sry if i appear unhappy at times n all... glad tt u're understanding enough =) i look forward to our dinner on sat. tks a lot.. n happy valentine's day to u ^.^

Ron (11.22pm)

Monday, February 13, 2006

Something sad...

well... juz got e news from my bf tt his cousin died today... how he die i wouldn't concern anyone by writing tt down. not tt i know a lot oso since i've neva even met him b4... juz hope my bf n his family (not forgetting e cousin's family) will feel better soon n not get too upset... wat's happened is not within anybody's control... it's better to accept things as they r n move on rather than remain stagnant... i hereby give my condolencenes to the family n hope e guy find peace n closure wherever he is now...

gloomy isn't it... suits my blog skin... feeling gloomy too... i haf so much things to do... but nth is done... hopefully i can do half of my essay today... then i can enjoy my v day tml =) looking forward to it ^.^ but wonder how my bf's mood will b like given tt things r not so bright now on his side >.< well... only tml will tell...

to my frens who bother to come n look at my blog, tks a bunch =) n maths class!!! anyone game for ktv tis coming wed?? marina sq k box from 2-7pm? do let mi, gina or ky know k? hee... today din manage to go, buay gam wan, so wed def muz make it!! n rem our bbq tis fri!! our last chance to relax b4 our (horrors!!) pract... wish everyone e best of luck.. gonna miss u all... ok i gtg start on my neva ending assignments le =(

Ron (9.48pm -- will write my own time till i figure out how to change e setting.. lol)

A New Start

After almost 1 yr.... I've decided (yet again) to start blogging... haha really wonder how long tis will last... well it's been a busy 1 yr for mi... BUT.. i'm not gg to recount anything.. too lazy n too boring le.. lol.. gotta look to e future!! haiz... i need to start doing my essay.. but no motivation.. how?? n it's due tis fri.. n today... actually supposed to go ktv.. but last min cancelled... so pek cek.. i wanna go sing!!! we need to enjoy b4 gg for pract... wonder how my pract will b like.. hopefully it wun be as nightmarish as wat e others say... hmm... need to go out buy dinner w bro... update ltr ba... tata
