Thursday, May 04, 2006

here i m again to update ^.^ rare tt i update so quickly... haha.. well although it's been quite sometime since my trip to Taman Negara, but here is the pic of mi together w my grp of students =) nice rite? haha, i'm e one in white , n e one w e hat n shades is one of e guides there ^.^ recalling back, it was an unforgetable experience for mi (hopefully for my students oso).. gonna miss them so much after i leave my pract sch, which is tml... haiz... although teaching is not easy, but there is tis sense of satisfaction when u feel tt u've managed to touched their lives in one way or another...

hopefully i'll b posted back to my pract sch for my formal teaching... but all tis lies in the moe's decision... i can only wait... really gonna miss all my students over there... hopefully, my teaching has enabled them to learn and gain something out of the whole experience...

even though they most prob wun b reading tis, juz wanna wish all my students e best in their on-going midyr exams... n oso all e best in watever they do...


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