Saturday, August 19, 2006

Looking forward to Sept hols...

Hi all again... finally here to update le.. haha, sry n tks to those who still bother to come to my blog once in a while. i promise to try n update more often =)

been a hectic 8 wks in sch... almost everyday i'm staying back for tis duty or tt... quite sick n tired of it already. but i'm only 8 wks into my 3 yr bond.. wonder how i'm gonna survive it.. haiz.. mentally n physically drained already... add to e fact tt i'm not a scholar or wat, haiz... shan't elaborate on tis la...

there's nvr ending things to b done in sch... plus everyday is like trying to rush finish e syllabus... no time n my students dun seem to und.. they still play ard n joke n dun wan hand in hw... haiz, they jus think i like chasing for their hw so much.. actually if they dun hand in i happier... cuz i dun haf tt many pieces of work to mark.. ultimately they're e ones who suffer cuz they wun know their work.. but then, tt'll b irresponsible of mi le.. i really wish to b able to teach them well n c them improve, but if they dun wan to help themselves, i oso dunno wat to do.. sometimes i feel so depressed seeing them like tt, not wanting to help themselves... i shd learn to take things easier...

then now they put mi in track.. it's a nice cca n all, but i think it's juz not for mi... i'm not a track person, n i dunno how to train them.. but i'm expected to train them all e same... everyday they haf training, n i haf to b down at least 2 days... it's tiring, n all my marking goes undone.. at least being an aoe for oral exams, i still get to mark my things n all... tt day brought my marking down to e gym while waiting for e students to come back from their run.. then when they came back i juz cont marking n got told off by e track teacher in charge.. say i shdn't mark in front of e students cuz it's not nice... shd train them instead... i'm wondering, izzit really tt bad to mark in front of the students?? wat's wrong w tt? maybe someone can enlighten mi since i'm still new to all these...

ok enough abt sch... my own personal life? actually there's not much oso... any free time tt i haf, most of it goes to spending it w my bf... i try to finish all my work in sch... even if i dun finish, i seldom bring home cuz oso wun touch it since i'll b w my bf.. things r ok between us, juz tt sometimes i feel as if watever i do is not gd enough... whether at work, home or w my bf... i dunno wat i need to do in order to let ppl feel tt i'm doing gd enough for them already... all these makes mi tired... sometimes i juz dun wanna bother abt anything anymore...

ok i'll stop here.. maybe i'll feel better e next time i blog... till then, take care...

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