Saturday, February 18, 2006

Busy busy..

been a busy 2 days... n i reckon tml will b another busy day, at e ktv of cuz =) looking forward to tt since it's been a long time since i went singing... lol...

anyway, yest was maths class bbq.. super tiring... heng my bf was there to help mi w e bbq n all tt, if not i think i'll die n all e food will get burnt... hahaa, i'm tt bad... initially threatened to rain but guess heaven is on our side =) e weather turned out fine after all ^.^ pity not everyone could make it...

today went out shopping.. bought JJ new album n listening to it now.. so nice =) hee... n bought some new clothes for work (excuses as usual... lol) and basically juz walk around bugis n then suntec... then went home on bus.. din haf a pleasant trip cuz something bad happened... but nm, it's over so i shan't tok abt it oso... reached home then mum say go grandma's house... turn out grandma quite sick but still not sure wat illness she has... hope she gets well soon >.<

finally, for those who r wondering y my blog is tis name... e reason is above... enjoy =)

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