Sunday, July 29, 2007


It's been a busy n tiring wkend, not to mention e working days oso. Hubby's reservist finally ended on fri, so after tt we've been trying to settle our house stuff over e wkends. Slowly bringing my things over to our new place so as not to make moving too tough at e end of e yr. Got tons of things.... Hopefully i'll haf enough space to store all my stuff =)

Today another tiring day oso... Went to Ikea to shop ard for furnitures to store things but couldn't find anything suitable. Maybe when their new stock arrives then we'll b able to find something useful. Went w my hubby n his gd fren who juz came back from switzerland to surprise us =) been a long time since we last saw him le. Reached back sg yest n straight away came over to my hubby's place. Anyway, then ate at Ikea's there n went back to hubby's home to chit-chat. Late afternoon we made our way to our new house again, this time to assemble shelves given to us by someone. Realise a lot of ppl haf to much money till they dunno where to spend. See something n then buy on impluse. After tt realise they dun like it, so they give those things away. Hmmm, not tt i'm complaining cuz i'm e one getting e free stuffs. Haha ^.^ Well, there were 2 shelves, but 1 seems to be spoilt as we can't really assemble it to fit, and e other seems unstable after completing the assembling. Well juz pray tt it doesn't topple over when we put our things on it ltr.

It was quite late b4 we went 4 dinner at e coffee shop near our place. Then i sent my hubby home b4 gg home myself. Super tired n work not completed yet... Guess i'll haf to rush them tml le... n e bball fixtures... wonder when it'll b sent to mi. I need to book bus!!! haiz.. Well till next time.

P/S: Grats to e C girls for being e champs of North Zone =)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Back from OLE 2

Been gone from tis blog 4 quite some time le... juz came back from Sec 2 OLE yest. it was an enjoyable 4 days 3 nites camp (although i stayed over for 2 of e nites only). was put in charge of 2E3 & i muz say they r really a fun class =) at 1st some of e students were quite 'off', but they slowly warmed up n became enthu abt things ^.^ glad to c them enjoying e various activities during e camp too!

On e 1st day, I wasn't ard e class much as I was unpacking my things n resting a bit. 2nd & 3rd day was much more happening as there were more activities being done. On e 2nd day, e class was taught n told to build a raft using ropes n poles (???) n barrels. was quite tough i think but they managed to build one. it was a pity e trainers said e knots were too loose 4 e raft to b used on sea. at least e students managed to go rafting (on manufactured rafts ^.^) then it was lunch followed by kayaking 4 them. did not join them as there has to b some teachers being beach masters to watch out 4 anything tt might b happening in e sea.

3rd day, e students did abseiling, flying fox, rock-climbing & CRC (challenge road course -- think so). tried all e things e students did =) was v fun, esp since it was e 1st time i did all these things. can b quite scary too, but i tried not to look down when i'm doing e things so as not to scare myself. haha.... quite contradictory cuz i keep telling e students not to b scared but when it came to mi, i did feel scared too... anyway, i hope e students enjoyed these activities as much as i did too =) then at nite it was e campfire. so proud tt 2E3 cheered a lot & gave their best effort 4 e class performance ^.^ quite sad at e end as it signifies e end of e camp (almost)...

overall, i really enjoyed myself at e camp w e students (even though i did not teach them at all). glad i was able to interact w them since i only got to know them e day b4 their camp ^.^ now it's e hols 4 all e students so hope they make gd use of tis time to rest n catch up on their weaker subjects =) tt's all 4 now. will try to update more often during e hols. nitez guys...

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Long Weekend

Whew, so fast, long wkend gonna b over soon. din really do much over e wkends though (in terms of work stuff)... Fri went sao(3) mu(4) -- read in chinese -- w my family plus one of my aunts. v hot day but at least it wasn't raining so things got done faster. by e end of morning, we finished gg to all e places le n went to haf lunch. after tt juz went home n slpt cuz super tired. then ltr sent my sis to amk n oso met hubby at amk hub. my sis went to dye n cut her hair, now it's so cool!!! i oso wanna change my hairstyle!!! but long hair like v limited hairstyles leh, so sian... missed those sec sch days when i can change my hairstyle as often as once every mth, haha =)

then yest morning, went Deyi Sec to watch e C girls friendly against them. Quite happy tt our C girls r quite strong, even e Sec 1s =) we're gg to haf chance in e North Zone competitions this coming jun/jul le ^.^ yeah!!! Bball rox!!!

Also met up w one of my best frens from jc in e afternoon =) been quite some time le. went to haf lunch at ajisen (the cray fish ramen was soooo nice ^.^) then went shopping. wah, only 1 day out shopping n i spent so much money le... bought clothes n nail polish etc. hee... but think i muz control my spending le... haiz.. muz resist temptation =(

well tt's pretty much how i spent my long wkend. today oso dunno wat i wanna do, or rather not much mood to do my things. but guess i still haf to plan 4 my lessons... feel a bit down these few days when i think abt work... haiz, shan't elaborate more...

hope tis has been a fruitful long wkend 4 e rest of u =) n looking 4ward to e class competitions (1e4 vs 1e1!!!) we're gg to win!!! Go 1e4!!!

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Oh ya, forgot a v impt thing... Wanna thank my hubby for e hard work n time he spent giving my blog a whole new look. The entries n tag board are so much clearer n easier to read now (my own opinion). So thanks again hubby =)


Long overdue entry =P

really v long since i last updated my blog... been down w e flu virus for e past few weeks n i've still not fully recovered. e only thing tt's gone is my fever... my flu n cough seems to b staying 4eva. no time n money to keep seeing e doc oso. haiz... really hope will get better soon so i wun keep feeling so down n tired.

anyway, today i woke up super early (for a Sunday) to go swimming w my sis. gotta start trying to keep fit le =) dun wan tummy to come out 4 my photo shoot n wedding tis yr, haha... e water was super cold as there was a slight drizzle oso, but surprisingly, it was quite refreshing to swim in e early morning =) after tt i bathed n started my marking. think it was e exercise, cuz i feel more energetic n managed to finish my markings in e morning. yeah!!! i got e rest of e day to rest le (which is y i haf time to update my blog now) gotta make tis a habit every wk =)

mum nagging mi to go haf lunch le, so i can't write too long le... might go over to my hubby's house ltr after lunch. nowadays seldom got time to meet him due to both our work commitments.. dun even haf much time to really sit down n discuss n plan 4 our wedding stuff. haiz... so Sat n Sun then we haf more time 4 each other... since i finished my things le i'll juz go over n accompany him since he oso tired =)

hmmm, hopefully i'll haf time to play a bit of games ltr oso. been a looooong time since i touched any games le. miss all e time in my uni days when most of my time r spent playin online rpg games... now i dun even haf time to really on my comp at home, or warm up my ds enough to complete any of e games tt i currently haf... =( now i muz set aside time to relax n play so i wun b too stressed up ^.^ then maybe my mood will b better oso...

ok, a lot of boring stuff today. i'll stop here b4 i really start to bore ppl le... my lunch, here i come!!! =)


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

CNY's coming!!!

Woooo, din realise it's been almost 3 mths since i last blogged... been bogged down by all e preparations of e lessons n stuff. plus new sec 1s w all e camps n orientation. realise i'm way behind time in my teaching... hopefully i can catch up soon...

Into e 2nd mth of e yr n my form class is getting v familiar w each other already. it's gd to know tt most of them r able to get along well w e rest of e class.. some r v v quiet though... sometimes i wonder wat they're thinking abt.. so today i asked e class to start writing a journal whereby they can express their feelings n anything they wan in it. hopefully thru tis, i can get to understand them better... really hope they r able to fit in comfortably... wonder how they feel abt mi n my teaching oso... sometimes might b a bit too harsh on them?? hope they realise i'm juz trying to help them do better...

In sch, always seeing my ex-students (those i taught last yr) ard =) glad to c tt all of u r doing ok.. sometimes when u all greet mi n i dun rply, it's cuz i din hear/see, not tt i purposely wanna ignore u all ok? hee, i old le, so eyesight n hearing deteriorate le, haha... u all sec 3 le, muz work even harder than last yr le k? although o lvls not tis yr, but if ur basics in sec 3 is gd, then u wun haf to suffer so much when it comes to sec 4 =)

One last note, Valentine's Day is coming!!!! sadly, i haf no special plans tt day.. haha... guess u all will haf more things planned out ^.^ hope u all enjoy tt special day for couples (but studies still come 1st =P) n oso e upcoming Chinese New Year. hope all of u get lotsa ang baos =)