Sunday, April 08, 2007

Long Weekend

Whew, so fast, long wkend gonna b over soon. din really do much over e wkends though (in terms of work stuff)... Fri went sao(3) mu(4) -- read in chinese -- w my family plus one of my aunts. v hot day but at least it wasn't raining so things got done faster. by e end of morning, we finished gg to all e places le n went to haf lunch. after tt juz went home n slpt cuz super tired. then ltr sent my sis to amk n oso met hubby at amk hub. my sis went to dye n cut her hair, now it's so cool!!! i oso wanna change my hairstyle!!! but long hair like v limited hairstyles leh, so sian... missed those sec sch days when i can change my hairstyle as often as once every mth, haha =)

then yest morning, went Deyi Sec to watch e C girls friendly against them. Quite happy tt our C girls r quite strong, even e Sec 1s =) we're gg to haf chance in e North Zone competitions this coming jun/jul le ^.^ yeah!!! Bball rox!!!

Also met up w one of my best frens from jc in e afternoon =) been quite some time le. went to haf lunch at ajisen (the cray fish ramen was soooo nice ^.^) then went shopping. wah, only 1 day out shopping n i spent so much money le... bought clothes n nail polish etc. hee... but think i muz control my spending le... haiz.. muz resist temptation =(

well tt's pretty much how i spent my long wkend. today oso dunno wat i wanna do, or rather not much mood to do my things. but guess i still haf to plan 4 my lessons... feel a bit down these few days when i think abt work... haiz, shan't elaborate more...

hope tis has been a fruitful long wkend 4 e rest of u =) n looking 4ward to e class competitions (1e4 vs 1e1!!!) we're gg to win!!! Go 1e4!!!

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