Wednesday, February 07, 2007

CNY's coming!!!

Woooo, din realise it's been almost 3 mths since i last blogged... been bogged down by all e preparations of e lessons n stuff. plus new sec 1s w all e camps n orientation. realise i'm way behind time in my teaching... hopefully i can catch up soon...

Into e 2nd mth of e yr n my form class is getting v familiar w each other already. it's gd to know tt most of them r able to get along well w e rest of e class.. some r v v quiet though... sometimes i wonder wat they're thinking abt.. so today i asked e class to start writing a journal whereby they can express their feelings n anything they wan in it. hopefully thru tis, i can get to understand them better... really hope they r able to fit in comfortably... wonder how they feel abt mi n my teaching oso... sometimes might b a bit too harsh on them?? hope they realise i'm juz trying to help them do better...

In sch, always seeing my ex-students (those i taught last yr) ard =) glad to c tt all of u r doing ok.. sometimes when u all greet mi n i dun rply, it's cuz i din hear/see, not tt i purposely wanna ignore u all ok? hee, i old le, so eyesight n hearing deteriorate le, haha... u all sec 3 le, muz work even harder than last yr le k? although o lvls not tis yr, but if ur basics in sec 3 is gd, then u wun haf to suffer so much when it comes to sec 4 =)

One last note, Valentine's Day is coming!!!! sadly, i haf no special plans tt day.. haha... guess u all will haf more things planned out ^.^ hope u all enjoy tt special day for couples (but studies still come 1st =P) n oso e upcoming Chinese New Year. hope all of u get lotsa ang baos =)

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