Saturday, May 26, 2007

Back from OLE 2

Been gone from tis blog 4 quite some time le... juz came back from Sec 2 OLE yest. it was an enjoyable 4 days 3 nites camp (although i stayed over for 2 of e nites only). was put in charge of 2E3 & i muz say they r really a fun class =) at 1st some of e students were quite 'off', but they slowly warmed up n became enthu abt things ^.^ glad to c them enjoying e various activities during e camp too!

On e 1st day, I wasn't ard e class much as I was unpacking my things n resting a bit. 2nd & 3rd day was much more happening as there were more activities being done. On e 2nd day, e class was taught n told to build a raft using ropes n poles (???) n barrels. was quite tough i think but they managed to build one. it was a pity e trainers said e knots were too loose 4 e raft to b used on sea. at least e students managed to go rafting (on manufactured rafts ^.^) then it was lunch followed by kayaking 4 them. did not join them as there has to b some teachers being beach masters to watch out 4 anything tt might b happening in e sea.

3rd day, e students did abseiling, flying fox, rock-climbing & CRC (challenge road course -- think so). tried all e things e students did =) was v fun, esp since it was e 1st time i did all these things. can b quite scary too, but i tried not to look down when i'm doing e things so as not to scare myself. haha.... quite contradictory cuz i keep telling e students not to b scared but when it came to mi, i did feel scared too... anyway, i hope e students enjoyed these activities as much as i did too =) then at nite it was e campfire. so proud tt 2E3 cheered a lot & gave their best effort 4 e class performance ^.^ quite sad at e end as it signifies e end of e camp (almost)...

overall, i really enjoyed myself at e camp w e students (even though i did not teach them at all). glad i was able to interact w them since i only got to know them e day b4 their camp ^.^ now it's e hols 4 all e students so hope they make gd use of tis time to rest n catch up on their weaker subjects =) tt's all 4 now. will try to update more often during e hols. nitez guys...

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