Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Lesson Plans...

last day of feb.. time really seems to fly... i've finally finished my 1st lesson plan... quite nervous abt my teaching tis thurs... really hope wat i planned for e students work out ok n tt they dun find my lesson to boring >.< spent so much time doing e slides n worksheet... haiz... stress... n dunno how many more LPs i need to do for e rest of my pract...

looking forward to e mar hols... then i'll b in teman negara (m'sia) w my sch =) hee... even though wun get to rest much during e hols since e trip will b from mon to fri.. but still it'll b a v gd exp ^.^ will update my trip when i return then =)

well, now i can afford a bit of rest time to catch up on my game.. haiz, been so many days since i really play anything already.. dunno y i still seem so tired everyday... so no energy to play much oso..

ok i wanna go cont looking at e lessons i might b teaching in future le... tata


Thursday, February 23, 2006

1st wk of Pract...

whew.. finally feel ok enough to cont blogging... tis whole wk has been quite slack in AI as common tests are gg on... but dunno y, i reach home from sch shacked out every single day... juz slp thru to dinner time... wonder y... even when i try to do work, i'll juz doze off in front of e comp... hope it wun b worse after i haf to start teaching, which is next thurs... 1st topic: variations... haf to start my lesson plans already... haiz, i simply hate writing them.. time consuming...

feeling quite down these 2 days... well, things happen n tt's tt. i muz learn to b stronger so i can live happier... tt's my aim for now... as well as getting thru my pract alive n in 1 piece...

till next time...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Busy busy..

been a busy 2 days... n i reckon tml will b another busy day, at e ktv of cuz =) looking forward to tt since it's been a long time since i went singing... lol...

anyway, yest was maths class bbq.. super tiring... heng my bf was there to help mi w e bbq n all tt, if not i think i'll die n all e food will get burnt... hahaa, i'm tt bad... initially threatened to rain but guess heaven is on our side =) e weather turned out fine after all ^.^ pity not everyone could make it...

today went out shopping.. bought JJ new album n listening to it now.. so nice =) hee... n bought some new clothes for work (excuses as usual... lol) and basically juz walk around bugis n then suntec... then went home on bus.. din haf a pleasant trip cuz something bad happened... but nm, it's over so i shan't tok abt it oso... reached home then mum say go grandma's house... turn out grandma quite sick but still not sure wat illness she has... hope she gets well soon >.<

finally, for those who r wondering y my blog is tis name... e reason is above... enjoy =)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Dead Tired

it's 3+am in e morning, n i finally finished my youth at risk essay. i feel so tired, n tml is gonna b another tiring day. haiz... now i'm left with cpa assingments to b done... wonder y assignments always seem to b nvr ending... i desperately need a break...

mum n sis seems to b better already although my sis eye seems more swollen. brought her to c chinese doc today n turned out her elbow ligament is injured. now her elbow is bandaged oso. my mum insists on not letting e chinese doc examine her. hope she really is feeling better as she claims to be... haiz..

well i'm gg to b brain dead soon, so i'll stop for today.. nitez n sweet dreams guys. n tks to all those who haf shown concern towards my family. appreciate it =)


Tuesday, February 14, 2006


it's Valentine's day today, but doesn't seem so at all to mi... was looking forward to a romantic day (as usual.. lol) but was woken up in e morning by a phone call... was a bit disoriented as i juz woke up to hear my mum on the phone. however, one word is enough to jot mi out of my sleepy spell... my parents n sis had an accident... n it's a serious one... one thing i'm glad is tt none of them are really seriously injured... my sis's eye is swollen n blue black and her arm oso due to e impact... my mum suffered more, w abrasions on her arm and her leg n feet were all swollen n blue black... when i mean swollen it's really big... thank goodness my dad escaped unharmed as he was sitting in e rear seat. happened when my mum was driving my sis to sch tis morn... when making a right turn, a car (opp direction) juz came speeding thru (against e lights somemore) n juz hit our car... e impact was... let's juz say it's not easy to make a 2000cc, 7 seater car skid n crash into another car... needless to say, e whole car is a mess now... n e guy who hit my mum even had e cheek to come down of e car n scold my mum for gg against e lights!! such an idiot... but i shan't say too much abt him, considering e fact tt his wife is now lying unconscious in ICU... there's speclation tt she might die... really hope tt she'll b ok n wake up soon... (pray pray pray) n my mum n sis... really worried abt them... yest had e bad news from my bf's side... now my side... seems like things r happening all at once... juz doesn't seem like a gd day for any celebration...

we juz met in e morning for breakfast at long john's silver... then walked around town for a few hrs... finally completed my Dark Tower collection!! although i din managed to get e hard cover of book 7, but i'm still happy i finally got all e books.. i shd start to cont reading from where i stopped... anyway, we went to his house in e late afternoon to c how his family r.. then my bf bought dinner for them b4 driving mi home to c my family... only then tt i got to c e bruises on my mum... busy day for them at e police station giving statements n all... only abt to go TTSH when i reached home... hopefully theirs is only external injuries >.<

as such, a romantic dinner is out of e qn oso... mi, my bf n my bro juz bought dinner at e small coffee shop outside our house and ate at home while my dad brought my mum n sis to e hospital... till now they're still not back... wonder when they'll return home...

Iron: although i'm disappointed at e way things turn out today, i'm still grateful for ur thoughtfulness n all.. sry if i appear unhappy at times n all... glad tt u're understanding enough =) i look forward to our dinner on sat. tks a lot.. n happy valentine's day to u ^.^

Ron (11.22pm)

Monday, February 13, 2006

Something sad...

well... juz got e news from my bf tt his cousin died today... how he die i wouldn't concern anyone by writing tt down. not tt i know a lot oso since i've neva even met him b4... juz hope my bf n his family (not forgetting e cousin's family) will feel better soon n not get too upset... wat's happened is not within anybody's control... it's better to accept things as they r n move on rather than remain stagnant... i hereby give my condolencenes to the family n hope e guy find peace n closure wherever he is now...

gloomy isn't it... suits my blog skin... feeling gloomy too... i haf so much things to do... but nth is done... hopefully i can do half of my essay today... then i can enjoy my v day tml =) looking forward to it ^.^ but wonder how my bf's mood will b like given tt things r not so bright now on his side >.< well... only tml will tell...

to my frens who bother to come n look at my blog, tks a bunch =) n maths class!!! anyone game for ktv tis coming wed?? marina sq k box from 2-7pm? do let mi, gina or ky know k? hee... today din manage to go, buay gam wan, so wed def muz make it!! n rem our bbq tis fri!! our last chance to relax b4 our (horrors!!) pract... wish everyone e best of luck.. gonna miss u all... ok i gtg start on my neva ending assignments le =(

Ron (9.48pm -- will write my own time till i figure out how to change e setting.. lol)

A New Start

After almost 1 yr.... I've decided (yet again) to start blogging... haha really wonder how long tis will last... well it's been a busy 1 yr for mi... BUT.. i'm not gg to recount anything.. too lazy n too boring le.. lol.. gotta look to e future!! haiz... i need to start doing my essay.. but no motivation.. how?? n it's due tis fri.. n today... actually supposed to go ktv.. but last min cancelled... so pek cek.. i wanna go sing!!! we need to enjoy b4 gg for pract... wonder how my pract will b like.. hopefully it wun be as nightmarish as wat e others say... hmm... need to go out buy dinner w bro... update ltr ba... tata
