Thursday, January 13, 2005

sch haf started!!! so sian... no mood to start picking my books (or rather notes) anytime soon leh.. wonder how i'm gonna survive my last sem... today is my free day so slack at home e whole day.. din really play much ms these few days cuz need to wake up early for sch... haiz, some lecturers r still e same... lousy as e ones b4.. wonder how they managed to secure their jobs as lecturers... get such high pay n teach so lousily....

tml still got 8am lesson.. can't play tonite liao since they gonna patch n do server check all e way till 1am... how to play like tt?? then tml whole day in sch till 6pm cuz of stupid lecture timings...
super sian...

things r now getting better between mi n him.. trying to make things work out n not to b so irritated most of e time... hope it'll remain as it is like these few days...

ok gotta prepare for sleep liao.. dun wanna yawn thru out e day... nitez n happy schooling...

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