Friday, March 04, 2005

been a long time since i last updated my blog.... dun think anyone will b reading it anymore.. but doesn't matter... juz feel like writing now.. has been a busy wk e past wk... juz got thru 3 midterms... haha neva study much oso.. so most of them is juz anyhow do... guess i played too much game liao... well at least now can take a break for a while since next test wun b until next fri.... sian... dunno wat to do now oso.. can't play cuz patching n dun feel like studying oso... been studying a lot these few days liao... wanna take a break from sch work... well, guess i'll go read comics for now =) till next time n hope i rem to update soon.. heehee

Thursday, January 13, 2005

sch haf started!!! so sian... no mood to start picking my books (or rather notes) anytime soon leh.. wonder how i'm gonna survive my last sem... today is my free day so slack at home e whole day.. din really play much ms these few days cuz need to wake up early for sch... haiz, some lecturers r still e same... lousy as e ones b4.. wonder how they managed to secure their jobs as lecturers... get such high pay n teach so lousily....

tml still got 8am lesson.. can't play tonite liao since they gonna patch n do server check all e way till 1am... how to play like tt?? then tml whole day in sch till 6pm cuz of stupid lecture timings...
super sian...

things r now getting better between mi n him.. trying to make things work out n not to b so irritated most of e time... hope it'll remain as it is like these few days...

ok gotta prepare for sleep liao.. dun wanna yawn thru out e day... nitez n happy schooling...

Sunday, January 09, 2005

can't sleep now... juz logged off ms after 'toking' to him there... thinking of all e thing she said to mi... m i really like wat he said now? thought i had changed for e better.. but he thinks i'm worse than b4... sad n demoralised now... feel like crying but haf to control, if not tml i wun b able to face anybody w my swollen eyes already... all e things he said... it's like i'm taking him for granted now.... i really dunno.... wat haf i been doing all these while??? seems like we're always bickering abt tis or tt... m i really e cause of all these?? guess i m... but it still hurts to hear it from him like tt... i feel tt he doesn't care as much now as he does b4, but he feels otherwise... y is tis so?? frankly i dunno wat's happening to us already... wat does he want??? n wat do i want??? dun even know all these... seems like i'm always troubling or bothering him these days... think i shd start taking a gd look at myself from now on...


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

lazing ard e house today again... haiz, no game to play now oso since maple is gg thru another patch. wonder y they haf so many patches in a wk, n still din manage to get rid of all e hacks.. hate those hackers flying ard n all tt.. upsets all e monsters oso.

anyway, woke up super late today, at ard 3pm.. hee.. cuz slept at close to 6am yest nite... haha, was doing pq all e way till tt time when all my party members can't take it liao then go sleep. actually wanna sleep earlier one, but then b4 i could go off, we're back inside again since there're nobody ard waiting to do pq. in e end, it's like we're training our char inside by doing pq all while.. quite fun though veri tiring.. got a lot of things oso... some useful n others like s***... lol... well dun think i'll b repeating tis soon though. too tiring liao.. then today nothing got done cuz by e time i woke up it's already so late..

then went amk w my bro to find something to eat since we were both starving (he woke up ard e same time as mi).. then went giordano to find e jeans he wants... went mac to share a meal b4 coming home again..

juz checked my modules in e ivle oso.. looked at e lect notes of one module n i can't believe my eyes... it's actually hand-written notes!!! n his handwriting is not nice at all!! haiz, how to study using tt kinda notes?? nm, tis will b e last sem studying in nus liao.. after tt work.... sian.. wonder how working life is gonna b like.. well will find out soon enough....

p.s.: juan, if u're reading tis... i can't post anything on ur xanga blog!!!! need xanga acct then can.. so troublesome... u change to blogspot lah ;>

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

hi all.. been a long time since i last posted anything.. been busy playing n finding panlid these few days (to no avail...) till super late n juz too lazy to update liao... today is e first day of sch for most ppl, but i'm still slcaking at home =) heehee, can get to enjoy for 1 more wk.. but now headache over wat module to take.... still got 1 module dunno shd take wat... sian.... those i wanna take, either it's time-table clash, or exam clash..... stupid!!!!!!! n i especially hate tis cors system... bid n then there r always some crazy ppl who put 2000++ pts for one module... wonder where they get so much pts one loh.. how come i dun haf??? haiz... haf to quick decide wat to take... today bidding for rd 1a ends at 5pm... which is e time when maple finish its patch (provided it doesn't get delayed...)

wat shd i take??? any suggestions??