Wednesday, December 22, 2004

updating again =) hopefully i'll cont to b so hardworking after sometime... anyway today was a.... mixed day. dunno how to describe it oso. went ps to meet him.. n then i wasn't in gd mood cuz today is supposed to b a special day, but he choosed to go home early to celebrate his dad's b-day (again when they did it on sat). dun understand y... s wasn't happy, n then he became unhappy oso.. n then, haiz... dunno lah.. after sometime then things became a bit better.. shopped ard for a while n bought some things. quite tiring to go shopping nowadays.. maybe i'm getting old liao.. then went home (alone.. *sob*) at ard 5 like tt.. super tired when i reached home, but after resting for a while... haha went back to ms again.. tis time training my thief.. finally lvl 15 liao.. but hard to train.. n my mage became a ice/lightning wizard last nite =) super happy though lightning attack super lousy.. lol
ok gtg bathe liao.. super late liao cuz was playing e whole time... tata

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