Friday, December 31, 2004

sigh, yet another patch n yet again, i can't lvl up!!!! haiz, y muz it always b like tt??

nm, juz update my blog for now.. went out w lingzhi, juan, yayu n adrian yest for lunch at sakae.. ate quite a lot.. haha was quite full by e time we left. stayed there for v long as we were juz toking n toking.. been a long time since i saw all of them already, except for lingzhi... after tt walked ard for a while but as we din know where to go, we ended at another eating place, bakeryzin.. had a cheese cake n plain water. quite nice but was a bit too sweet.. tok somemore b4 we decided to leave n go home...

reached home then rest a while n start playing maple again.. now most of e time is training my 2nd mage. now lvl 19, 75% liao... wanna lvl up b4 i go out later!!! hopefully can... my 1st mage has only 1 more pq left... ard 97-98% now... after tt i'm gonna conc on killing fire boar to find glass shoe.. hopefully wun take too long...

later gg to haf class gathering at gigi's house. so gd cuz her house juz opp of mine only.. no need to waste time travelling. haha.. ok lah guess i'll stop here.. till next time...

Sunday, December 26, 2004

been a few days since i last update liao... although it's a bit late now, but still, MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone =) hahaha, tis is e 1st yr i get christmas pressies since my family dun celebrate tis season...

these few days were quite ok... got back my results yest.. was quite satisfied w them, esp my stats cuz i thought i might fail it.. e whole paper from front to back practically dunno wat it's toking abt... juz anyhow do... still managed to get a B for it =)

well now really gotta start planning wat modules to take liao.. round 0 bidding starts on 29th dec... haiz... another period whereby e cors system is gonna get lotsa scolding from mi n my frens... lol... hopefully i wun haf to wait too long to get e modules i want...

10 jan... tt's e day when sch officially starts.. muz enjoy e rest of my time left... sigh... sadz tt hols is coming to an end.. no more staying till 3-4am to do pq liao... sadz... =(

one more thing, starting tml every wk, mi gonna start taking art lessons!!! haha, cuz always there're lotsa things tt're veri nice, n i wanna draw them myself but can't, so decided to take e lessons w my siblings =)

ok i'll stop here tis time.. bb

P.S.: nic, if u're reading tis, juz wanna remind u tt u still owe mi my shoes($50)... lol... when will i get it?? maybe i shd start charging interest.. haha, then everywk tt passes e amt increases by $10... lol ;>

Thursday, December 23, 2004

i'm soooooo angry....

forget abt it...
booooooring day... juz stayed home n mapling all e way... juz stopped only cuz they gonna do a patch again. hopefully all those hacks will b disabled n we wun c those cheaters flying ard anymore.. so irritating.

haiz, dunno wat to do now.. nothing to play oso unless i go n cont my ff8, which will take a loooong time n i wun b able to play ms later.. guess i'll slack for now...

y izzit tt u dun ans mi whenever i ask anything???

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

updating again =) hopefully i'll cont to b so hardworking after sometime... anyway today was a.... mixed day. dunno how to describe it oso. went ps to meet him.. n then i wasn't in gd mood cuz today is supposed to b a special day, but he choosed to go home early to celebrate his dad's b-day (again when they did it on sat). dun understand y... s wasn't happy, n then he became unhappy oso.. n then, haiz... dunno lah.. after sometime then things became a bit better.. shopped ard for a while n bought some things. quite tiring to go shopping nowadays.. maybe i'm getting old liao.. then went home (alone.. *sob*) at ard 5 like tt.. super tired when i reached home, but after resting for a while... haha went back to ms again.. tis time training my thief.. finally lvl 15 liao.. but hard to train.. n my mage became a ice/lightning wizard last nite =) super happy though lightning attack super lousy.. lol
ok gtg bathe liao.. super late liao cuz was playing e whole time... tata

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

finally got my own blog =) thanks to my younger sis who helped mi find all e links ;>

been wanting to do tis 4 quite sometime liao, but too busy playing maple (hee) to get started.. finally got down to tis when maple is doing a patch (yet again!!). wanna train my thief to lvl 15!! haha but still happy tt my mage is finally lvl 30. gonna make my job advancement later tonite n do pq again =)

basically my life revolves ard ms these days (lol).. sch hols now so need to enjoy it. 2 more wks n no more freedom =(